Thursday, October 6, 2011

My Memory of Co-Creation

A time long ago, before there was visible matter to reflect the light of the universe. Before the stars of the firmament lit up space around. There existed a seemingly endless depth of night, no interaction or sight, but full of movement. Living elements of motion existed in the dark. They danced for themselves, seemingly alone in the world of that space.
Then all of a sudden, from a distance, one of the elements of motion started to lightly and ever-so gently touch the rest…

A child awakening as if for the first time, he cast about his inner gaze all around and was touched with awe and hushed feeling by what he found: An immersive, chasm full of life; an immense open space full of sound and movement as if to romance the soul within, as if for him alone.
 A lightly and ever-so gently glowing light was trickling down from the heights, to the center of stillness where this newly awakened element of motion could be found. That light barely illumined the forms of those moving elements of motion, dancing in accord with each other through those vast distances. In the glow of this light he, the awoken element, could hear and feel the world full of movements change from soft symphony, to lullaby, then to a gladsome tune. He pondered through his state of awe why it seemed none of the other elements were with seeing or hearing.
“They are still as if alone, not moving or speaking with each other, but here they are moving making a type of sound all-together that carries with it a clear image.”
“As if from one alone, to me.”
Then again he took notice of the light. A strange feeling started to dawn within him. A new image was quickly making way from within.
Moving inward to occupy the space inside, the awoken element opened himself to the dawning of that strange new feeling, and he started to dream for the first time…

A depth of space was known, contracted in it’s darkness, not as before when he awoke into the world above. But low and behold far, far down below him there was something immanent. Something brilliant and gleaming, emanating a sense of tender care and feeling. So here far below him in space was a wee little kernel. A wee tiny little particle. And it danced all together on the surface with hues and colors that pleased, amazed, and lived. Sounds of laughter and kinship, life enjoying together and creating together could be heard falling off from this astounding, ever more immersive world below. A new word resembling music was whispered into the awoken element’s soul. Ma-ter…….. Ma-ter……. Mother… From this wee little particle of a world below emanated such warmth, an invisible life giving grace. It gave him a new unfathomable energy inspiring him from all around, at a distance, but within his own space. And he knew: “Never will I be permitted in my entirety as a whole in this world below. I would burn the order of it’s beauty and it’s life with my own light from above. Forever from a distance would I be fated to gaze upon the surface of it’s brilliance in bloom and in bud. But I feel! It’s conjoint light, though invisible, is with me here!”
“Her name is Love. Oh how marvelous is her energy here above! She surrounds me, and I am in her! Oh Mater, it is clear; Below and beyond is your world still, but you have given me your ascending life. With your Love I will go into that world above and bring your energy, joy and birth to all. Conjoint creation and joy for all from it’s contemplation!”

With the energy of Love now to empower new, soaring aspirations, the divinely awoken element stole away his sight and thought from the world of Mater’s particle below. He now held the knowing within that to give birth to his most gladsome dream, the divinely awoken element must hold within the center of himself the balance of two worlds completely, proving The Energy of Love to be true as a Co-consciousness.

All elements of motion in the newly illumined light of the world above sought to gain ascendancy amidst new visible motions of sight.  The divinely awoken being, laying strength in his dream, drew up confidence like a brilliant flaming sword. The Energy of Love became apparent as to it’s existance within the world above; a totally independent element. Never being alone in his dream, the divinely awoken element continued apace in a strongly familiar way.
“For each whom follows the ways shown here-in, let them be vedded the opportunity of Co-creation with my dream, through the Co-consciousness of my son, Man”
And there loomed in sight a world in the exact likeness of the divinely awoken element’s dream. Then there with the world of Earth stood His son, Man. Not wholly inherent to Earth, but held in greater correlation to it than all else. As an exact likeness to the divinely awoken element, Man was given everything from his father’s world, culminating in his inner immersion with the particle world of Earth Mater below. Then born was all of this as it first came apparent, from the appearance from above; of a Universe girl.
“All of you diverse elements of movement above, hear me. His is the operation of my dream, when my son’s inner world of love merges with the light of Earth Mater’s Particle; The Energy of Love runs russ of his vedded light inciting motions surrounding all of your motions. Know they are callings to a new birth. Allow yourselves to be evaluated and prepared as to your astounding co-creational worth. “
And so the divinely awoken element’s thought of Co-creation had given manifestation to a brilliant Co-consciousness. Through the free birth of his dream in his most beloved son Man, all of creation started making way, whether quickly or slowly, to the birth of a new divine civilization.

1 comment:

  1. This is a very slow not complete version of the creation story as is kept-inside each individual person, and some of it is my fantasy, some of it is real experiece of mine. How-ever
    On there is a section called "books" go to book 4 and read the chapter previews available.
    An amazing memory Anastasia has! Her inherent memory of creation is complete! She remembers it all!

    The family Estates!(Kin's Domains/Ancestral Homes):
